A blog about Indian culture and ethics for the modern world

Monday, January 14, 2008


India is being swamped with money. Indians everywhere are being swamped by money. There is a flood, and many are enjoying the drink. Unlike other floods, this seems to be a good one, promising to make us happy and fulfilled. Is it all good? What does this do to the soul? Are we sinking or swimming? We discuss these issues in this new feature.

Just as a glass of water quenches the thirst, and a flood of water can drown unless we know how to swim, at the very least we need to be alert. How are we earning this money? What are we doing with it? Are we building a dam to control the flood, or to fatten our families? In fact, what is money? The modern epidemic of obesity in Britain is in my view not unrelated to the accumulation of wealth. Think why the word ‘greed’ is applied to profit and food – there must be a relationship.

It is said in both Hindu and Jain scriptures, that Laxmi is a whimsical goddess, restless and fluttering and needs to be handled with great care. Possessiveness of any kind is discouraged, because it leads to attachment. In fact, it is said that when we possess, we become possessed. We lose ourselves, and far from being in control of money, we become controlled by money. Our freedom goes. Our smiles also fade away. We begin to mistrust everyone and everything. Like Laxmi, we become restless. Charity becomes furthest from our minds when we are flooded by money. We are drowning, but do not realise it.
